Awareness-Building Sessions
About: These targeted programs provide more introductory-level information and basic tools for parenting and supporting and managing children’s mental health, and often serve as foundational knowledge to more in-depth workshops and skills-building training programs. The learning opportunities can be designed as keynote, power-point or more interactive presentations, and audiences may include parents, students, educators, professionals, and employers looking to increase their knowledge and understanding of children’s and family mental health more broadly or a issue surrounding the topic.
Curriculum: The programs may cover a range of topics and are available as workshops and talks. The curriculum is adaptable to target diverse audiences and a wide range of knowledge- and skill-levels.
Audience and Environment: These facilitation services are most suitable for small, medium or large audiences. The sessions may be delivered on-site or in various community-based, school-based or professional and workplace environments.
Delivery Method: All programming is delivered in-person, and may be adaptable to the following formats and intensities: Single Session (1-hour to full day), Multi-Session (1-hour to full day), and Comprehensive Program Series (with follow-up consultation sessions upon request).
Some examples include:
Adolescent Mental Health Awareness
How to Recognize Early Signs of Mental Health Issues in Your Children and Youth
Responding to and Supporting Your Youth’s Mental Health Needs
Your and Youth’s Mental Health Wellness
Prevention and Early Intervention Topics
Navigating the Complexities of Social Media & Technology Usage